Channel: Odin the German Shepherd
Category: Pets & Animals
Tags: boxer dogprotection dogsgerman shepherddog fightdog trainingodingerman shepherd vs boxer
Description: *** New, short video almost every-day *** SUBSCRIBE for more..... $amson the Boxer Dog BELLA the Abandoned Hannah the Yellow Lab Midnight the Black Lab Remington the Yellow Lab Erie the Great Pyrenees/Border Collie Shock-Collar Maggie Leroy the Black Manx Cat Winston the Cymric Manx Cat Carrots the Horse & ODIN.......the German Shepherd WHEN ODIN MET HANNAH: ------------------------------------------- We first saw Midnight in December 2017, he was starving, freezing, and terribly scared of humans. After being taken in and adopted by my next door neighbors and their 2 yellow Labs (Hannah & Remington) Midnight is now thriving, healthy and confident. We are so proud of Midnight Black. Thanks for watching.. FORMER STRAY MIDNIGHT BLACK PLAYLIST: ----------------------------------------------- #germanshepherd #guarddog #boxerdog