Channel: Paul Stamets
Category: Education
Description: The mycelium of the Trametes versicolor (Turkey tail) mushroom and its fermented substrate each show potent and complementary immune activating properties in vitro . This breakthrough article on the immunological benefits of mycelium of Turkey Tail (Trametes versicolor) has just been published! . In essence, we prove that the mycelium bio transforms the rice substrate into a product with an unique immunological profile. Comparing the rice substrate, the mycelium and the mycofermented rice, this research clearly shows that the myceliated rice up-regulates the innate expression of interleukin IL-10 and IL 1ra, potent cytokines complementary and essential to a robust yet balanced immune response. . “The aqueous and solid fractions of the initial substrate (IS), the fermented substrate (FS), and the Trametes versicolor mycelium (TvM) were tested for immune-activating and modulating activities on human peripheral blood mononuclear cell cultures, to examine expression of the CD69 activation marker on lymphocytes versus monocytes, and on the T, NKT, and NK lymphocyte subsets.” . Please read for a robust analysis and discussion. . The immune support offered by mycofermentation of growth media is clearly demonstrated. . Thanks to my co-authors. . This article is open accessed and can be found here by using a search engine by simply copying & typing: . The mycelium of the Trametes versicolor (Turkey tail) mushroom and its fermented substrate each show potent & complementary immune activating properties in vitro . Mycelium is the immune system of the mushroom and we can benefit from its innate properties. We have much more exciting research on-going and more peer reviewed articles in press and in preparation. . The mycelial underground represents a critical immunological bridge of nature, connecting us all for our collective health. . [Thanks to Pam Kryskow, MD for filming!]