Channel: BornCG
Category: Education
Tags: 3dmodelingbeginnerlessonmodeltutorialmodellingblender
Description: Thanks for watching! Please don't forget to subscribe to this channel for more Blender 2.8 tutorials like this one! In this tutorial I cover: - Animating a Bouncing Ball (1:47) - Setting your animation's resolution, and common video resolutions (5:21) - Setting your animation's duration, frame rate - The Output section, and choosing an output file format (6:44) - A little about FFMPEG (7:07) - Video Encoding settings: Containers, Wrappers, File Extensions, Video & Audio Codecs, Presets (7:40) - Choosing an Output location to save a video file (10:30) - Adding Sound or Music in Blender's Video Editor (Sequencer) (11:49) - Rendering the Animation Video File! (15:19) - Playing the Rendered Video File (15:43) - Why you probably don't want to render to a video file, and why it's better to render to a sequence of still images (16:35) - JPG images vs PNG images (image file formats, compression, lossy vs lossless) (18:40) - Setting up still image sequence render settings, including for network rendering (21:10) - Rendering a sequence of images (22:33) - Creating a Movie/Video File from an image sequence using Blender's Video Editor: The Sequencer (22:59) - Watching the final animation video/movie file! (26:30) LINK to DOWNLOAD the STARTING .blend FILE: - ***************** DONATE to support my channel via PayPal: **************** LIKE and FOLLOW me on FACEBOOK: FOLLOW me on TWITTER: Reddit: ***************** Thanks for watching, and don't forget to Like & Subscribe to help the channel! =) ********************************** Visit my Blender 2.8 Tutorial Series playlist for more Blender Tutorials: Visit my Godot 3 Game Engine Tutorial Series playlist!: Visit my Blender 2.7 Tutorial Series playlist for more Blender Tutorials: **************** Nicolas from the band 'the Lazy Saviours' created my Intro Jingle! Check out his band's album here: Lazy Saviours' Album: on Amazon: on iTunes: **I do not receive profits or monetary compensation from promotion or sales of Lazy Saviors' album.