Channel: Jump Cuts
Category: Comedy
Tags: jump cuts videojumpcuts videosdad & son - marriage proposaljamcutsjumpcutsfunny marriage proposaljump cuts new videojc originalsjumcutsjump cuts latest videojump cuts tamiljump cuts videosjumpjump cutfunny marriage proposalshari and naresh#jumpcutsjum cutsdan and son marriage proposaljumps cutjump cuts new episodemarriage proposaljump cutsjumpcuts tamilmarriage proposalshari baskar newjumpcutdad and sonjump cuts in tamil
Description: Paid Partnership with Netflix From fairy tales and folklore to movies and books, our culture is rich with exemplary tales of courage. Watch the humorous sketch 'Dad & Son - Marriage Proposal' as we unfold the emotion 'Courage'. #jumpcuts #Dadandson #9DaysofNavarasa __________________________ Cast : Hari Baskar written & Directed by: Naresh Dillibabu Cinematography : Vishal Editing : Naresh Dillibabu DI : Vishal Dubbing : Nijil Dhinakaran Production Manager : Hari Prasad Thumbnail by : Hipster Karthik Media partner : Divo __________________________ Follow Hari Bakar on Instagram : Follow Naresh Dillibabu On Intsagram : __________________________ Jump cuts is an entertainment channel founded by Hari and Naresh in 2016. We upload videos randomly taken. We hope you all love and keep in touch with our channel. __________________________ Follow us on Facebook : Follow us on Instagram : jump_cuts Follow us on Twitter : @jumpcuts7 Thank you keep supporting J U M P C U T S __________________________ In Association with DIVO - Digital Partner __________________________