Channel: Laura Cox
Category: Music
Tags: countrybias fxzz toplaura cox bandtelecastershreddingsouthern rockbajaguitar coverfemale guitar playercountry shreddingcrook customlaura coxsheryl crowsexyd allen pickuppink paisleytriple playlynyrd skynyrdbest guitar solopositive gridhonky tonkfenderbrad paisleynervous breakdowndavid allen
Description: The Laura Cox Band website : Facebook page : One of my favorite Country instrumental songs! I'm playing on a "home made" Pink Paisley Telecaster (I bought the body and finished it myself with my friend Mathieu. The neck comes from my Baja Telecaster.) I had a D.Allen TriplePlay pickup installed and it sounds really nice! Check them out here : I get my tone from Bias FX plugin :) Thanks for watching!