Channel: Aurea & Alexa
Category: Entertainment
Tags: never ending birthday challengesbigsosyal vs di sosyal2 ingredientprankschallengesgluenever ending birthday prankwhileslime challengesammy maneseslimekaycee & rachel in wonderland familyshierly miksistermakinggratienza entertainmentranz and nianamyannoying my sisterslime makingwithannoying my big sister while making 2 ingredients with glue slime challenge2 ingredients slimesisters challengeschallengeaurea and alexaannoying
Description: Check Out Our Second YouTube Channel : Aurea & Alexa Family WonderClips - Hi Everyone! 🤗 This film a video about ANNOYING MY BIG SISTER WHILE MAKING 2 INGREDIENT WITH GLUE SLIME CHALLENGE | Aurea & Alexa 😁📱 VLOG 492 ❤️Hope you guys enjoy it and thanks for all your love and support! ❤️ YOU GUYS ARE THE BEST!!!! LOVE YOU ALL!!! Please don't forget to give this video a big 👍👍👍👍👍 and hit that notification 🔔 so you won't miss any new videos from us. For Business Purposes | Sponsorship | Contact Us @ 09208135200 ( Message Us Only ) Follow us on our Social Media Accounts : Fb Page : Aurea & Alexa Alrean's ( Please Report Other Fb Fake Pages! ) Instagram : @real.aurea.alexa Twitter : real_aurea_lexa Tiktok : Alexa Tan Please don't forget to like , share & subscribe to our channel - For better quality please watch in HD