Channel: RaffyTaphyASMR
Category: Entertainment
Tags: sounds to relaxwater soundsasmr tinglestinglessounds to studysounds for sleepsleepy soundssoft spokensleepysounds to sleepgaming asmrtappingrelaxing soundssound assortmentbinauralrelaxingear to earsatisfyingtriggersasmr triggerliquid soundsleft to rightliquid shakingsleeping soundswhisperasmrwhispering
Description: Get the best discount of the year on Raycons! Now through the end of November, go to to get 20% off your order! Liquid shaking, water sounds. Thick and thin. Swish swish swish....sleep. why use many word when few word do trick tapping video mentioned: You can find me on the zees app! Listen to me on spotify: Reach out on twitter: @RaffyTaphyASMR Follow me on insta: @raffytaphy Business: