Channel: Nick Ackerman
Category: Science & Technology
Tags: iphone 2022 review13samsung 2022galaxy s22 reviews22 plus reviewiphones22 plusapple iphoneappleiphone 13 prosamsungs2213 prowhy galaxy s22 plus is better than iphone 13 proapple vs samsungapple 2022samsung galaxy s22 reviewiphone 13 pro reviewgalaxy s22 plus
Description: 10 Ways Galaxy S22 Plus is better than iPhone 13 Pro! Hello all and welcome to this video about why Samsung Galaxy S22 Plus is better than Apple iPhone 13 Pro. Samsung Galaxy S22 Plus vs Apple iPhone 13 is a tough choice and the point of this video is to give you some reasons why the Samsung S22 Plus might be the right choice for you over the iPhone 13 Pro. In the next video, I will share with you the reasons why the iPhone 13 Pro is better than the Samsung Galaxy S22 Plus. If you have either one of these iPhones, please consider sharing your thoughts and experiences with the community down below in the comment section. As always, thank you for watching, and be sure to be well and peace. #iPhone #GalaxyS22 #Apple #Samsung #Technology #Mobile #Smartphones #phones Related content: 10 Ways iPhone 13 Pro is better than Galaxy S22 Plus: Pick up either phone: Galaxy S22 Plus: iPhone 13 Pro: TOOLS I MAKE VIDEOS WITH: (These links are "Paid Links," where I earn some commission if you purchase through them below! Thank you for your support!) š„Main Camera š„B camera/Vlog camera: š„Secondary Camera : š„Favorite Lens: š„Laptop I use to edit: š„Primary Tripod : š„Main Mic: š„Main Headphones: š„Favorite Headphones: š„Amazing editing headphones: š„Backpack I store gear in: š„Best SD card I use: š„External SSD to store videos: LET'S CONNECT!! SUBSCRIBE: TWITTER: INSTAGRAM: *Disclaimer: Nick Ackerman is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program which is an affiliate program designed to provide means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking products to As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Disclaimers: All opinions are my own and sponsors are acknowledged. All products reviewed on this channel are paid for by the content creator, "Nick Ackerman." If a product is given by company, sponsored, or is a paid advertisement or endorsed by another business entity or brand, this will be explicitly stated in the video and in the description.