Channel: Let's STFU and Play
Category: Gaming
Tags: how tohyperspacevirtual realitytrippyhyperbolictrinketsnon-euclidean geometryquesthumorvivevideogamegamesguidealllets playhyperbolicamind bendingexplorationindexepiclistadventurenon euclideanhyperbolic geometryminigameswalkthroughplaythroughvrgameplayfullindiegamevirtualstfubesthyperbolic spacetopsteamoculusfunnyfailsvideogamessurrealgamingno commentary2022euclideannon-euclidean100pchyperbolica vrstfu and playgeometry
Description: Support the channel: Welcome to Hyperbolica! In this episode we fall asleep in geometry class, explore hyperbolic space, and test our ability to keep our lunch by flying a drone through a non-euclidean world... Let's STFU and Play: Hyperbolica VR [Ep.1] A Non-Euclidean Adventure 00:00 Intro 00:38 Geometry 101 02:49 Welcome to Hyperbolica 04:32 Lost at the Hyper-Beach / ViewTube-ing 08:36 The Oracle / The Prophecy / The Map 11:30 Lost at the Hyper-Museum 13:52 Hyper-City / Afraid of Hyper-Heights 18:19 Drone Practice 23:18 Drone Victory 26:00 Drone Aerial Recon 27:13 Lost in Hyper-City / Infinity Cafe Full playlist here: Hyperbolica on Steam: SFX: Aqua Teen Hunger Force ( Space Ghost Coast To Coast ( Harvey Birdman Attourney At Law ( Archer ( Inside Job ( Spongebob Squarepants (except I guess they wouldn't be square here...) ( American Dad ( Family Guy ( Adventure Time ( The Boys ( Mortdecai ( The Legend Of Zelda: Ocarina Of Time ( . *WHAT TO WATCH NEXT... STFU's picks:* All Playlists here: . Twitch: Second channel: Support the channel: .