Channel: NitraaB TV
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Description: Hey babes! Welcome back to NitraaBtv… Check out Greenroads Get 15% off ANITRA15 Thank you so much for taking time out of your day to stop by :) In this video I’ll be giving away $100 to two of my subscribers. Please comment and like this video for your chance to win ....there will be two winners announced on the next vlog. Please thumbs up to keep the vlogs cominggggg! :) SUBSCRIBE ♡ Pack With Me Buy My new Lip Color Rammer Jammer $5 off promo with “ALABAMA” OR get both lippies for $24 (save $10 no promo needed! ) God Goals Growing and Glowing Shirt Blessed To Be A Blessing Shirt SUBSCRIBE to my Beauty Channel: Bath time Frog _______________________________________________________ Let’s Stay Connected - FOLLOW ME: ♡M A I N C H A N N E L➜ ♡ T W I T T E R➜ NitraaB ♡ I N S T A G R A M➜NitraaB ♡ S N A P C H A T➜ NitraaB ♡ F A C E B O O K➜ ♡ T U M B L R➜ NitraaB ♡ V L O G➜ ♡ P I N T E R E S T➜NitraaB ________________________________________ O T H E R I N F O: Car Mount New Vlog Camera __________________________________ B U S I N E S S: Thank you for watching. All opinions are always mine. Thanks for all your support! _________ B U S I N E S S: ⇢ For business inquiries ONLY, such as company sponsors or reviews, please use the email address listed in my “About” section.