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Duration: 12:53Views: 1.5MLikes: 20.4KDate Created: Mar, 2018

Channel: JUUDOLF

Category: Gaming

Tags: tf2badclipsmedicjuud0lftrickgoodretrospectbackstabmadreflectglitchsniperheadshotskillspreewinfailsmontagekillstreaknoobretrotrolltricksretrospectiveepicteamdemomanprokillengineerheavyfailfortresspyrostabcritcompilationsoldierscoutspytaunt

Description: Been a while huh? A lot of stuff has happened since my last video, both good and bad stuff. Social security and unemployment breathing down my neck, my credit card info got stolen along with +500€ with transactions, my arm is currently in sort of a bad state (most likely some kind of infection caused by a bursted blister in middle of my hand) and as some of you might recall me mentioning in a Community post (which I've deleted since) about difficulties in getting any decent clips. Last night I spent 6 hours just begging for a decent team or just a chance for something else to happen other than my torture. Good news: I got my money back and... Aaaaaand... I finally built a sofa tray table thing for my mouse. Why would I build one myself? Because A) there are no table... tray... thingies available that would fit a mousepad and B) screw paying +15€ for a couple of pieces of wood that won't do the job anyway. But in retrospect, the tray is the reason I got the blister in my hand, which is possibly the reason my arm is messed up... Anyway, thank you for being patient with me. I hope you guys enjoy the video! HIT AND KILLSOUNDS: IMPORTANT: You can download the .vpk -files from the links below. You do NOT have to open, decompile or do anything of that sort to them. Just put them in the custom-folder in TF2 game files, located in Steam\SteamApps\common\Team Fortress 2\tf\custom. If you do not have a custom folder, just create one. After that, launch TF2, check that you've enabled hit- and killsounds and test their settings in an Offline Training server. Once you tune the sounds to your liking, you're good to go. Go nuts. Sonic-sounds (Sonic Ring hitsound + Sonic "Register" killsound): mediafire.com/file/mb1826ajke7unif/Sonic.vpk CoD/MLG/meme/whateveryouwannacallit + Get Fucked -sounds: mediafire.com/file/x9rs83b76ic4gbf/CoD_Get_Fucked.vpk HUD: ToonHUD: toonhud.com/user/juud0lf/theme/WP7JDHV2 MUSIC: Eveningland - Milos Eveningland - Nimbus Vibe Tracks - You Like It Francis Preve - Plaidness

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