Channel: Battle Universe
Category: Entertainment
Tags: gamesafari livesafarinerf battle universehi5 studioshide n seekjumanjinurfjumanji 2seeksardinesjumanji the next levelhi5hide and seek gamenerf hide and seeknerfhide and seek challengesafari animalssafari huntingsafari parkfunnyhide and seek moviehide & seekhide and seeknerf battlehidehide gamebattle universesafari hunterhi5 nerfchallengehide challengesafari hunt
Description: Today we took a trip to the Savannah to go on a classic safari hunt! What do you think of this new spin on our classic hide and seek challenges?! NERF Mystery Box Challenge! ➡ Twitter ➡ Instagram ➡ Upload Schedule: Mon/Wed/Fri at 11:50am PST! DISCLAIMER: This channel uses NERF Rival and Mega Blasters, as well as some modded blasters that we create. These are NOT recommended for anyone aged 13 or below! If you liked what you saw but want more than just NERF, make sure to check out our other family friendly channels at Hi5 Studios below: Dope Or Nope ➡ 10 Kids Products That'll Make Their Parents Jealous! Get Good Gaming ➡ Who Can Make The BEST Cardboard Car?! | GTA5 Totally Trendy ➡ An Entire Thanksgiving Meal In A Cupcake! RØZE ➡ Surprising My Friends With GIANT Confetti Poppers All Day! Team Edge ➡ The Edge Games!!