Channel: Bird Keeper Toby
Category: Gaming
Tags: secrets in pokemon legends arceuseaster eggs pokemon billiant dimaond and shining pearlall charecter ancestors pokemonall ancestors pokemon legends arceusreferences pokemon legends100 hidden secrets easter eggs pokemon legends arceuseverything new pokmeon legends arceussecret pokemon billiant dimoandpokemon legends arceus easter eggslegends arceus full storypokemon legends arceus team galacticlegends arceus full gamehidden easter eggs pokemon legends arceus
Description: Pokemon Legends Arceus is full of easter eggs and hidden secrets as well as references to Sinnoh and all of the ancestors in the game! Between it all and some new pokemon Pokedex entries, I have over 100 to explore! Let's go! Also, what is everyone's favorite of all the new Hisuian forms? 0:00 Intro 0:44 Time Travelling and meeting Arceus secret 1 7:40 Volos Ancestor Secret 25 13:36 Spirtomb map location Secret 50 20:00 Charecter ancestors Secret 75 27:39 Manaphys location Secret 100 30:35 How to catch Arceus Secret 110 Twitter: Instagram: Patreon: Discord: Twitch: Check Out more videos by BirdKeeperToby What if you were a Pokemon Gym Leader: My Least Favorite Pokemon Of Every Type: Ultimate Pokemon Evolution Tree: How EVERY Pokemon Evolves EXPLAINED! | #1 Kanto Thank You To The Patreons Of February Ultimate HoneyBadger Imzadi Dakota Proctor Eliott Rogers Oldendorf Joe Brook Jedruben Eric Roode Harrison Brindle chronicDreamer Joe Dubya tommo PokeBliss Matty B Plays The Dec of Cards Michael Hornschuch Lorenzo J. Yañez Jr. Ben Pickett Austin Long PurpleDragonair PokéMenz Conor Pope Purple Pippi Bug Catcher Jay mike winters Dakota -Boo Crimson Nathan Arcienega chris muir Gothimo Jack Hoggins Braydon Smith Barelli Roco Gavvy Duncan Kevin Singam Nick Charles Ryan McBee Lockstin of Gnoggin Amy R. MayaFrost uhdajorge wilgrim SlashingManticore Daniel Statum Ryan Howell David Waddell Carlton Harrison smolowo Florence Millar Toni Spatz Marvin01994 Austin James Pike Jay24092 Heavy Metal Mew Guillaume Homier Jordie Bosworth Sam DeLeon Yoni Sobin - The Nerd Therapist Steven Reichman George White Ian Ridley Alister N3rdForYou Libris Simas Ferraz Nancy G. Montenegro Tom McKee Citrinelle Michael Stipp Victor Angel DeSouza Steph The Nerd Joseph Lowton Andrew Sember Matt Squared Code_Lemia Bulba Paul christie ward Gearsofgizmo Ed Jepson Ylva Gløersen Nicolas Endris JD Gottlich Ravi Chirravuri Murray M. Moss (they,them) Matthew Lawrenson L. Ann Ahlstrom Dickson Bonnie Fiddis ManInACan Rees Newton-Sealey Héctor Rodríguez Mikayla Patty Daelyn Knyght Josh Altman ThatWeebyGamer Galen "Lea" Skibyak Toxicsnivy Edited By Ruin manaic files: Footage often used from Mixeli: and Munching Orange and Hero Voltzy: Music by either - Hoops and hiphop: Double Acee: A Cloud Called Klaus: Or Alternatively given to me through permission from TrueGreen 7 I do not have specific track names but at an artists request I will happily include them in the descriptions, apologies for not having them ready and keep up the incredible work artists A Special thanks to Serebii for being an incredible resource: All of the above users have given me written permission to use their work in my videos, I thank them for this and hope you support them all. Unless Stated above I do not own any other official artwork images of Pokemon or official Pokemon footage, these are owned by The Pokemon Company, Gamefreak or 4Kids. No copyright infringement is intended and I would love to receive contact from one of these companies to discuss the fair use of their content as while I am sure I am doing everything under fair use, review and parody I would love to have written permission from them. Please support the official franchise.