Channel: PDK Films
Category: Entertainment
Tags: pdkfilmsminecraftnerf modgamenerf star warsunited statespdk filmsnerf war 9 million subscribersnerfnerf blasterkouskystar warsnerf videofunnyblasterfilmsgamingstarsportsvideo gamekingfirst person shootersubscribersfpswarnerf war 10 million subscribersnerf warsnerf minecraftbattlenerf battlemoneymillionpdknerf arsenalnerf channelcredit cardmillion subscribersnerf war 8 million subscriberswarsking kouskyfunnerf war
Description: Nerf War: Million Subscriber Madness, the largest Nerf channel on YouTube! Install Raid for Free โ Mobile and PC: and get a special starter pack ๐ฅ Available only for the next 30 days! New players will get a free starter pack worth almost $30 to kick start your game. Vergies, 200k Silver, 1 XP boost, 1 energy refill, and 1 Ancient Shard so you can summon an awesome Champion as soon as you get in-game! Subscribe to our new Nerf channel, King Kousky, for Nerf Minecraft, Nerf Call of Duty, and Nerf Star Wars videos! Stay tuned for more Nerf War and Nerf First Person Shooter videos! ๐ King Kousky Follow Us ๐ Facebook ๐ท Instagram ๐ฅ TikTok ๐ป Email for business inquiries: ๐ฏ About PDK Films PDK Films creates Nerf War videos and is the largest Nerf channel on YouTube with over 17 million subscribers! We created the first Nerf battle videos on YouTube, and now have over 3 billion total views. We customize and mod all of our Nerf blasters just for our videos, which are inspired by video games, movies, and pop culture. We also started a new Nerf channel, King Kousky, which creates Nerf Minecraft, Nerf Call of Duty, and Nerf Star Wars videos. We have no affiliation with Nerf, and we love to work with new brands and sponsors! #PDKFilms #KingKousky #Nerf