Channel: Paul Gale Comedy
Category: Comedy
Tags: popechurchobamavaticanjewishhebrewadvertisingpaul galepaulgalebrandeisthe next popechristianjewfunnythe popechristcomedyfilmwho is the next popeisrael2013who will be the next popeshortcatholiccampaignsketchjesus christcatholic church
Description: Marty Feinstein is running for Pope. Isn't it time to put a Jew in front of the pew? Tweet this video at the pope: Share on FB! Links for Mobile Users ----------- iHelp Your Parents: anxiety [the show]: Subscribe: Written by: Dylan Schaefer, Tiffany Keane, Hanna Wellish, and Paul Gale Camera: Hanna Wellish Special Thanks to Gabe Gonzalez