Channel: Sushii Films - Fortnite Movies
Category: Gaming
Tags: fortnite the moviefortnite cinemafortnite moviesmachinimalj studiosanimationfortnite moviefortnite filmseason 6fortnite the movie trailerfortnite filmsfortnite short filmlittle lizardfortnite cinematicsushii filmsepic games presents: fortnite the moviefortnite movie trailersushi filmsfortnite trailerfortnitenew skinfortnite official movie trailer
Description: FORTNITE: THE MOVIE (Trailer) A huge thank you to Allanah for voicing the trailer, check her out: In case you didn't know... === THIS IS NOT AN OFFICIAL TRAILER === We hope you enjoyed this Fortnite trailer! If you did, consider dropping a Like š and Subscribe š, we deeply appreciate it. š£ Support us in-game by using our code "sushiifilms" in the item shop! š£ Support what we do on Patreon ā¤ š£ Watch more Fortnite Films ā¤ š£ Film updates on Twitter ā¤ š£ Bite-sized content on Instagram ā¤ š£ Tune-in on Facebook! ā¤ š£ Want to act in our film? Join the Sushii community on Discord! ā¤ Thank you for viewing another Fortnite short movie by Sushii Films. Home of the highest quality Fortnite movies! š¬ #sushiifilms #fortnitemovie