Channel: AZIATKA
Category: Travel & Events
Tags: pattayabangkok thailandmototaxihappythai womenbestepisodeguyretirementbangkok 2021lifeliving abroadbiketouristpattaya latest videoextreme lovestreet foodcarroadstreetthailandexpattodaymixed coupleforignerthailand 2021vacationretiredrelationshipmotorbikeoldbangkoktaxilove story2021age gapcouplesretire in thailandpattaya 2021old menthailand travelage gap loveaziatkastorystreet scenes
Description: 🔴Subscribe my another channel AZIATKA 2.0 and watch new videos: Pattaya Thailand, funny and amazing stories about the relationship between foreign guys and Thai women: 0:00 A funny story about a foreign guy in Pattaya who met a Thai girl. She said that she doesn't go to the hotel at the first date... 1:29 Pattaya street scenes from the most popular Pattaya streets 3:46 Mixed couples in Thailand. This is vlog 368