Channel: Jess Bunty
Category: Howto & Style
Tags: accutane mental healthhow to get rid of acneisotretinoinaccutane side effectsacne and mental healthjess bunty acneroaccutanejess buntyaccutane before and afteraccutane australialong term side effects of accutaneisotretinoin acne medicationacne medication20mg accutaneaccutane causes hair lossdepression on accutaneaccutane experienceisotretinoin side effectsaccutane month 5accutane side effects and mental healthaccutane journey
Description: Here's my month 5 update! I wanted to have a chat about Accutane side effects, and answer a question I keep getting about taking Accutane if you have mental health issues such as depression or anxiety. ► SUBSCRIBE: + hit the bell for weekly videos Hey guys! So we're at month 5, and that's pretty awesome! I will keep doing monthly updates on my progress and changes until I finish this medication. I'm not sure when I'll finish Accutane, it depends on the state of my skin and what my dermatologist thinks is best. I am on 20mg of Accutane (Isotretinoin), but I take a generic version of Oratane. I also take 25mg of Spironolactone every day, and have a vegan diet. If you want to see more videos about my Accutane journey, please check these out: - My Accutane Diary: - My Accutane skin care routine: There's really only one major change this month - my hair is falling out! I was hoping I wouldn't he this side effect. Hair loss is a side effect of Accutane, but it should grow back after treatment. I sure hope it does. I'm lucky that I have a lot of hair, and it's quite thick. But I definitely notice the difference. Have you had this side effect? Or something else at the 5 month mark? I hope this video helps, and if it does, please "like" it and cosider subscribing. Thanks so much! See you next Thursday, Xx Jess ► SUBSCRIBE: + hit the bell for weekly videos ————————————————————— E M A I L : W E B S I T E : I N S T A G R A M : F A C E B O O K : T W I T T E R :!/jess_bunty S N A I L M A I L : PO BOX 245, Biggera Waters, Queensland, 4216, Australia ————————————————————— YES, I am “THAT VIDEO GIRL”! C H A N N E L : W E B S I T E : F A C E B O O K : E X C L U S I V E G R O U P : E MA I L : ————————————————————— ◉ Acne Banish Warrior discount using JESSBUNTY: ◉ 70% off Vanity Planet makeup brushes, use ‘JBRUSHES’ at checkout: ◉ 70% off Vanity Planet ’The Ultimate Skin Spa’ exfoliation brush set! ◉ 70% off ‘Vanity Planet ‘Spin for Perfect Skin’! ————————————————————— ★ What I use to film: Canon DSLR kit - Studio Umbrella Lighting kit - 32GD SD cards - Final Cut Pro X ————————————————————— Want to see what else I've reviewed? Check these out: - Designer Brands 24 Hour Longwear Foundation Full Review - Oily/Acne Prone Skin: - Australis STAYPUT! Longwear Foundation Test & Review: - 12 HOUR FOUNDATION FOR OILY SKIN?! Essence All About Matt Review: Want more anti-acne/anti-shine content? Here ya go: - DIY Toner For Acne & Oily Skin! Home Remedies For Acne: - HOW TO STOP OILY SKIN! My Best Hacks, Tips & Routines: - MY ACCUTANE SKINCARE ROUTINE! Sensitive, Dry + Acne-Prone Skin: Some links are affiliate links. I only encourage using links to products or services I personally back. If you use my links, you’re helping to support the growth of this channel and the content I make here, and I cannot thank you enough!