Channel: Appysmarts
Category: Education
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Description: 6 Blocks solutions with our favorite Pentomino blocks puzzle set. 00:00 Intro 0:30 3 blocks solution (review)08:48 4 blocks solution (review) 0:56 5 blocks solution (review) 01:30 6 blocks (all solutions) 07:12 7, 8, 9 blocks (teaser) Part 1 (levels 3 to 5): Also this time, too, we give you a chance to solve the puzzle yourself. Just pause the video and try! Try to arrange the wooden puzzle pieces to fill the board. Ever thought of Wooden Tetris? Yout job is to arrange the puzzles in such a way that they fill the locked part of the board completely. You start with 3 pieces (3x5 board), when you are ready you can move to 4x5 board and 4 puzzle pieces and so on. Over 500 challenges in total. The game is can be played by 1 or 2 players (they take turns). Great for developing logical thinking skills. The game is quite challenging but in the 3x5 and 4x5 modes are reasonably easy. You can buy the puzzle on Amazon: Type: #puzzles #tetris #woodenpuzzles Original Appysmarts Score: 90/100,id_189051.php Legal Information and Disclaimers: Appysmarts is not affiliated with any apps or toys producers. We were issued a sample/review code for the product. Store links may include affiliate codes/links This demo/review is part of the review published on (more information at and is aimed at parents and schools to help them make best choices for educational app or toy purchases. Subscribe: Music: "The Missing Link" from