Channel: WeMakeYouLaughFilms
Category: Comedy
Tags: stephen kingjason voorheeschuckypennywisecrossovervillainsghost facefreddyfriday the 13thleatherfacethe revengersghostfacescreamfreddy vs jasonpinheadhalloweenhorror iconsactioncivil warchild's playscarykruegerhorrormichael myersnick furylee lanzinifreddy kruegertexas chainsawelm streetepicitrevengersmarvelavengerswemakeyoulaughfilmssamara morganjasonjigsaw
Description: Freddy Krueger and Jason Voorhees bring their teams together once again to stop another menacing villain. But this time, one of their own becomes the very one they must stop. The Revengers have returned! NEW MERCH: CREDITS: Produced and Directed by: Lee Lanzini Chucky: Bill Pham Freddy Krueger: Alexander Nguyen Ghostface: Jackson Labadie Jason Voorhees: Victor A. Jigsaw: Ronnie Goble Leatherface: Jordan Mitchell Michael Myers: Donovan Daley Mrs. Clause Jordan V. Nick Furry: Brian McNiff Pennywise: Brian McNiff Pinhead: Jeremy Goble Santa: Ricky B. Samara Morgan: Alexiss C. Teenager: Lee Lanzini Lee Lanzini's Instagram - YouTube -