Channel: Brad Browning
Category: Howto & Style
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Description: The 5 Most Outrageous Ex Back Tactics (#2 and #4 Actually Work!) ============ Sign up for my 1-on-1 coaching: ============ Over the years as a breakup coach, I’ve seen some crazy stuff. In this video, I cover 5 of the most RIDICULOUS techniques I’ve seen used to try and get back together with an ex. These are crazy, out-of-the-box ways my clients and subscribers have used to try and reverse their breakup -- some of them actually do work extremely well (such as #2 and #4 in this video). Others are just so insanely STUPID they’re actually funny (and you’ll see why when you watch the video). If you want your ex back, then you might be able to use a few of these ridiculous tactics to your advantage (but definitely even think about using #5 in this list -- which I cover near the end -- if you’re trying to reverse a breakup, because it’ll kill your chances with your ex for good). Even if you don’t want your ex back at all, you’ll be shocked at what some people will do for love… including risking jail time. *NOTE: None of the client names mentioned in this video are real - I have changed personal details for confidentiality. My 1-on-1 breakup coaching service is always 100% confidential - click here to learn more and register now: ============ --- Do you still have a chance to get your ex back?? (FREE QUIZ): -- Follow me on INSTAGRAM: @breakupbradbrowning #bradbrowning #breakup #exback