Channel: Caroline Tucker
Category: Howto & Style
Tags: aestheticgoodwillbest dressedsustainableomgwinterspring 2022actually good thriftingget in! we're thriftingthrift with mehugelos angelestrendsaffordablecommunity thriftlet's go thriftingoutfit ideas2022pinterestthat girltry on thrift haulgoodiestips and tricksthrifting hackcaroline tuckertik tokstyle inspolaini ozarkfashion
Description: get in b*tch...we're going thrifting! I managed to make it *almost* two weeks into 2022 before ending up at a thrift store BUT it's for a video and to boost my bad mood so's okay? Come with me to community thrift in covina, california and prepare yourself for a try on haul ft. some absolute gems!!! the fur coat? I'm still not okay! Can't wait to style these asap and get up some thrifted outfit ideas for you, also lemme know any other videos you'd like to see! hope you enjoy and stay safe bbs!!!xx SOCIAL MEDIA! Instagram: Twitter: Tiktok: caroline_tuckerrr my depop: Business Email Only: CHECK OUT SOME OF MY OTHER VIDEOS! 1. 2. 3. FAQ! how old are you? 23 where do you live? Southern California how tall are you? 5'5" no one asks this but i'm an're welcome hey I'm Caroline and welcome to my channel! this is my lil corner of the internet where I can geek out over all things fashion, hauls, thrifting, outfit ideas, beauty, boys, mental health, astrology, body sh*t, and any other random yet niche topic you can think of...subscribe for new videos every week! lots of love!xx