Channel: WULFF DEN
Category: Gaming
Tags: wulffdenhandheld consolenintendowolf denpowkiddy a20romsnintendo handheldretro consolepowkiddy a20 reviewgame boy advance emulatorportable emulatorretro handheldgame boy emulatorwolfdengame boyanalogueemulation devicenintendo portablewulff dennew emulatorhandheld emulatoremulatorpowkiddy emulatornew handheld consolebob wulffhandheldn64 emulatornew powkiddyanalogue pocketplays roms
Description: Get your ED treatment over at There are so many of these portable, handheld emulators on the market, and every single one of them is flawed in some way. I wanted this Powkiddy A20 to be my next N64 emulator of choice. Instead, I ended up ranting about the entire portable emulator industry as a whole. This device is the perfect example of what's wrong with the industry, and we should be skeptical of what's coming this year. 🔔GET NOTIFIED: SUB! ▶️New Videos AT LEAST weekly 👕W U L F F D E N A P P A R E L 👕 ➤➤➤Support the channel! Become a sponsor: • Access to Sponsor only Discord chat • Chat badge & Emotes • Priority game time for chat multiplayer streams (whenever we do them) 🎮Twitch: 🐦Twitter [Bob]: 🐦Twitter [WulffDen]: 📸Instagram: 🔷Facebook: 💬Our Discord Server: (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ 0:00 Intro 3:40 Powkiddy A20 is an example of what's wrong 8:19 Why are there so many devices like this? 10:00 Analogue Pocket 10:33 RG351V 11:33 Retroid Pocket 2 12:01 (New) Retroid Pocket 2+ 12:27 (Upcoming) Ayn Odin 13:19 (Upcoming) Steam Deck 14:22 Can they fix these problems? 15:38 Outro