Channel: RVgeeks
Category: Travel & Events
Tags: rvlivingrvmotorhome upgradesrv upgrade diymotorhome maintenancerv upgradesmotorhome repairfulltime rvingrv diynew zealandbungee jumpingrv maintenance diyrv repair diydiyrvgeeksbungy jumpfulltime rv lifervliferv maintenancerv repair
Description: New Zealand invented the Bungy Jump (or Bungee Jumping). Either way, those Kiwis seem to thrive on adrenaline! We love to experience local culture when traveling, so we couldn't very well visit NZ without at least considering taking the leap. Peter went right off, but John had a little trouble. Did he make it? Watch the video to find out, and see if you think you could do it! CHAPTERS: 0:00 We're Going to Bungy 2:14 Kiwis Love Adrenaline 3:08 Arriving at Taupo Bungy 3:41 Pre-Jump Jitters 4:22 Peter Takes The Plunge! 6:52 Can John Do It? 7:56 VERTIGO TRIGGER WARNING! 8:38 John is Terrified! 9:11 Jump, or Walk Of Shame? 10:28 The Aftermath 11:07 Are Tom & Cait Next? Footage we shot for this video is included in an awesome segment about New Zealand in Season 3, Episode 6 of The RVers. That episode premieres on Discovery on Saturday, June 19, 2021 at 8am Eastern & Pacific, 7am Central, and 9am Mountain time. Set your alarm, or your DVR! Or you can check out our page all about The RVers for lots of other ways to watch the show. We spent 5 weeks RVing in New Zealand with our friends Tom & Cait Morton, who are also our co-hosts on The RVers. They're getting ready to release their own NZ videos on their YouTube channel, so look for us in those videos soon. Visit the Mortons on the Move channel to subscribe, and click the notifications bell so you won't miss an episode! RECENT AND RELATED VIDEOS: New Zealand Freedom Camping: New Zealand Class B+ RV Tour: Stranded in NZ During a Pandemic: Freedom Camping on the Mohaka River: Zion National Park Angels Landing Hike: RV Tow Bar Hook Up All By Yourself!: Best RV Internet Connectivity In 2021! The RVers Season 3 Teaser: Remote Control RV AC & Furnace: Our 5 Best RV Trip Planner Apps: RV Tire Covers SAVE YOUR RV TIRES!: RV Generator Maintenance: RV LED Lights + a $250 Giveaway: RV Holding Tank Sensor Fail: Save Power While Boondocking: RV Boondocking Making You Nervous?: For a list of some of our favorite products that any new RV owner might want to own, check out our store on Amazon: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Peter Knize & John Sullivan host The RVgeeks channel on YouTube, and co-host and co-executive produce The RVers TV show on The Discovery Channel, PBS, iTunes and many other outlets. Full-Time RVers since April, 2003, they share DIY RV maintenance, repair, travel, upgrade and operational tips & tricks they've learned in nearly 2 decades on the road. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BLOG/WEBSITE: INSTAGRAM: THE RVERS: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- We're handy RVers, not professional technicians. We're happy with the techniques and products we use, but be sure to confirm that all methods and materials you use are compatible with your equipment and abilities. Regardless of what we recommend, consult a professional if you're unsure about working on your RV. Any task you perform or product you purchase based on any information we provide is strictly at your own risk. We sometimes receive products for evaluation at no cost, and The RVgeeks participate in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to But our opinions are our own, you wonât pay an extra penny, and we only link to products we personally use, love and can recommend to friends with complete confidence. #BUNGYJUMP #NEWZEALAND #BUNGEEJUMPING #RVGEEKS #RVLIFE #RVDIY #RVLIVING #FULLTIMERV #RVREPAIR #RVMAINTENANCE #RVMODS #RVUPGRADES #RVTRAVEL #DIYRV