Channel: Tricklandia
Category: Howto & Style
Tags: youtubemagic tricks revealedmagic schoolhow tocard manipulationamazing card tricksinvisible string card trick - card tricks revealedmath card tricks revealedcard tricks for kidssleight of hand card trickseasy card trickscard trick teachercard tricks for experts revealedalexander tepnadzecard magic tricks revealedcard tricks for beginnersgreat card tricks revealedcard tricks revealedinvisible threadtricklandiacard magic tricks
Description: For more Cool Tricks Visit My Website : Invisible String Trick is Super magical. Creates an Illusion of Invisible String. It looks like it's there but there is no string. Chosen card is puled out of mixed Deck of Cards. Invisible String Trick Revealed by Tricklandia. Watch the Tutorial video here :