Channel: BlackBoxTV
Category: Entertainment
Tags: fouseytubebrandonbowenyoutube red original serieshowtoprankitupvitalyzdtvheyyoshannayoutube redthisisacommentaryzombie horrorbrittanilouisetaylorlifewithjchorror gamesfight of the living deadgirlgonegamerexperiment90magicofrahatzombiesfight of the living dead season 2
Description: Another contestant is attacked on their way back to the safe area. Tré, JC, and Rahat then work together to retrieve the first of three coils the group must collect to activate the O.R.D.E.R. device. Available with YouTube Premium - To see if Premium is available in your country, click here: 0:00 Recap 2:31 A Failed Mission 4:25 The Second Attempt 6:10 Man Down 9:20 The Next Mission 12:26 Seeker Ward 17:34 The Mission Intensifies 20:38 Debrief 21:49 Everything Goes To Hell