Channel: Kyrah Stewart
Category: Howto & Style
Tags: the pillwhat happens when you stop taking birth controlside effects of birth controlwhy i stopped taking hormonal birth controlbirth controlwhy i stopped taking hormonal birth control pillwhat happens when you stop taking the pilli want to quit birth controlbirth control pillbirth control side effectsreasons to stop taking the pillwhy i stopped taking the birth control pillwhy i stopped taking birth controlreasons to stop taking birth control
Description: Why I stopped taking hormonal birth control! Aka why I stopped taking the pill. If you want to stop taking birth control I go into how I stopped taking birth control, and why I stopped taking birth control. I also talk about my symptoms from hormonal birth control. Resources: Beyond The Pill Book: @just.ingredients on Instagram SUBSCRIBE IF YOU'RE NEW: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Let's be friends! Instagram: Twitter: SnapChat: Vlog Channel: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------