Channel: Omahdon
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Description: GHOST ISSUES ONE AND TWO ARE AVAILABLE ON GUMROAD!: SUPPORT TESSLYN BERGIN ON PATREON!: Support me on ko-fi or Paypal!: Cast: Tiana Camacho as Mercy Tamara Fritz as Widowmaker Edwyn Tiong as Soldier 76 and Reaper Music: "Dreams Become Real" "Floating Cities" and "Wounded" by Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License Excerpt from original Sound effects: End screen layout based on template by Deepak Kumar "Hey, me?" "Yes, me?" "You know how at the end of every super long episode of Overwatch AWNN you go 'Boy, I sure hope I don't have to do THAT again! That was the longest one yet!' and you've been doing that for at least one video every week for the past month or so?" "Yes?" "Maybe just shut up about it this time and this strange curse you've fallen under will pass." "Good idea. I'm glad we had this talk, me." "Same, me." So hey, here's another dub of Tesslyn's Team Talon-centric comic series "Ghost" done and if you thought THIS was a long shebang (it is) imagine how much longer it would have been if we'd decided to dub the entire comic! This dub adapts 25 out of 50 pages of the second issue of the comic, so potentially like... a twenty-ish minute long Overwatch AWNN? That's a mighty powerful hell to walk backwards into; so if you want to see the rest of what happens, buy Tesslyn's comic! Okay so like, the first thing you'll notice in this Overwatch AWNN is the complete lack of text bubbles. Tesslyn had done the dialogue for her comics in such a way that the majority of it actually takes place off the image; basically it was closer to being a story with illustrations rather than a more traditional comic. So rather than figuring out how to wrangle these blocks of text to fit into the video frame, I decided to forgo having word bubbles/text altogether and just have the dub be the images from the comic paired with my audio mixing. The plus side to this arrangement was that I was no longer bound by a strictly linear panel progression due to the text; the minus and mildly panicked side to this arrangement was exactly the same thing. I think I made it work? Hopefully people can still follow along. It's basically an audioplay at this point, and I cut my teeth on mixing those back in the day! I have to thank Tiana Camacho for being a champ and chewing through all that German and some of the medical jargon, on top of giving a complex performance of a unique workplace scenario that, at the same time, should not be wholly unfamiliar to many women. Also thanks to Tamara Fritz for her one line as Amelie/Widowmaker plopped right where it would hurt most; and of course to Tesslyn Bergin for her continuing amazing work on "Ghost" as well as other non-Overwatch related sci-fi content (check out her work at )!