Channel: OskarPuzzle
Category: Science & Technology
Tags: entertainhow togurueducation3d-printrubik's cubeadultsmechanicalturnsmartscrambleoscarpuzzletwisty puzzleproblempuzzles for kidsoskarpuzzlemeffertsguinness world recordenglishhardcube3d printgearsustoyinnovationthinkartnyloninventdifficultsatifyingprint-it-yourself2021engineeringcreativeintelligentthinkfunhanayama17x17slidepuzzleoskar van deventersolveoddlymathfun
Description: More OskarPuzzle at Print it yourself at Telescopic Lighthouse is arguably the world's most telescopic structure. It features 102 (17 x 6 colors) cups that are screwed into each other. The smallest cup is 10-mm diameter and 7-mm high. The largest one is 190-mm diameter and 108-mm high. The whole structure can be screwed apart and form a tower of 4.67 meter, which means telescoping by more than a factor of 40. Unfortunately, the tall tower is unstable and it would buckle under its own weight. When the tower is reduced to 700 mm, it can stand stable. Telescopic Lighthouse is related to the nested Russian matryoshka dolls. The world record for those is 51 nested dolls, see While comparing such art work with 3D-printer output is not fair, it still breaks that record by a factor two. The object was printed on a Dutchy 3D-printer using vase mode. The material is PLA. The object has a 0.4-mm wall thickness and it weight 1991 gram. Copyright (c) 2021, M. Oskar van Deventer. Frequently Asked Question: Buy mass-produced Oskar puzzles at (USA, CA) and (EU) Buy exclusive 3D-printed Oskar puzzles at and