Channel: Midway to Main Street
Category: Travel & Events
Tags: building programmatic architecturethe brown derby at hollywood studiosthe hollywood brown derbygertie dinosaurnovelty architecture los angelescalifornia crazy buildingscrazy buildings in californiathe brown derby disneythe brown derbyprogrammatic architecture los angelesrob playsmidway to main stnovelty architecturegertie dinosaur disneyprogrammatic architecture definitionprogrammatic architecturethe brown derby historymidway to main street
Description: You ever notice that sometimes theme parks have buildings that are just giant… things? A big traffic cone that sells food, a camera shop with a giant camera on the front, a hat shop in the shape of a hat, and an ice cream stand inside of a big dinosaur. It’s a style called Programmatic Architecture, and today we’re going to talk about where it came from, why it exists, and why you can find it in very specific parts of theme parks. New here? Be sure to subscribe! 🔷 Become a Producer on Patreon! ❤ My Disney Podcast! 🎧 Follow me on Twitter! 📱 Sources 📰