Channel: The World of Boxing!
Category: Sports
Tags: joeheavyweightsmokin joe fraziergeorge foremanali vs frazierforemanmuhammad aliknockoutsjoe frazierjoe frazier knockoutsdefensemuhammad ali interviewpowerdocumentaryfightaliknockoutboxersportsfrazierjimmy ellisboxeohighlightsjoe frazier highlightsjoe frazier interviewboxingfighterboxing knockoutstribute
Description: He was a famous world champion in the era of boxing which is still called the golden age even today. Mohammed Ali himself was afraid of him! And his left hook is rightfully considered one of the strongest blows in boxing history. His name is "Smokin" Joe Frazier... š§ Songs: Kevin Graham - Fallen Hysteria - Devil's little helper Garrett Olmstead - Heaven to Hell Elliot Holmes - For the Win Lance Conrad - Down To The Wire Kevin Graham - Apex Hampus Naeselius - Valley of the Kings Luke Neumann - Eye of the drone Dream Cave - A Mother's Wrath Dream Cave - Truce No More Dream Cave - Never Tell Me the Odds Edgar Hopp - One Last Battle Jon Bjork - Sheer Will Edgar Hopp - Skyfall Bobby Cole - Epic Cinematic Movie Trailer Music Valentina Gribanova - Epic Cinematic Drama #Boxing #Documentary #Highlights