Channel: WW2HistoryHunter
Category: People & Blogs
Tags: sniper bunkergerman ww2german ww2 bunkerww2 bunkers everywhere . amazing beach explore.did you know ?hitlerwhat is inside ?lost placelost ww2german bunkeratlantic wallbunkerswwpanzer bunkerurban exploring abandoned placesmetal detecting ww2outdoor adventure documentariesoutdoor adventureww2 battlefieldshitler ordered bunkerseverywherelost beachhistory secretsinside a german ww2 bunkeratlantic wall bunkerbunker beachurbex
Description: SPECTACULAR German WW2 bunker and how did they do that ? German WW2 engineering at its best ? If you like to support our work : My Email : Check out my monthly WW2 diorama giveaway videos in the beginning of each month. Beautiful WW2 dioramas for my supporters. Music intro : " Tranquil fields , peaceful "by Alexander Nakarada ( Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License Thank you Alexander :) My underwater exploration gear : QYSea Fifish V6S & V6 With a gripper to recover artifacts from the deep ! Omnidirectional and totally awesome for underwater exploration !